Showing 21 Result(s)

Beyond Tariffs and Imports: New World Bank Working Paper

Oftentimes we think of trade policy as involving tariffs and as being import restrictive. In this new working paper, my co-author and I demonstrate how it’s beyond that, by looking at trade policy in the form of non-tariff measures and as having an anti-export bias. We do this by linking these policies to firms that …

Ph.D. by 30: My story in Brief

Hi everyone. I have been asked to share my story several times in the last year or so. I have shared my story in various platforms, mainly local media in Malawi and I thought I share it here for anyone interested in my academic journey. This may be one of several posts and I will …

WBG Young Professionals Program – Webinar

As the application period of the World Bank Young Professionals program is upon us once again, the World Bank Group (WBG) has organized a webinar to share more about the program and answer many of your questions. For those who don’t know, for over 50 years, the Young Professionals Program has attracted some of the …

Recent Blog Feature: Of Exchange Rates and Tariffs

Hi All! I recently published a paper on how exchange rates and tariffs affect import prices in Malawi, and which of the two matters more. Its an extension from my prior PhD research. A short blog of the findings has been published on the World Bank’s Lets Talk Development blog at the link below if …