This is a short one: Very excited and humbled to have been featured in the University of Malawi Department of Economics Newsletter under the “Women in Economics” Section. It really was a pleasant surprise to be featured and I gladly shared my experience so far in the Economics career, which I continue to enjoy.
Economics as a profession continues to have a gender gap and that has implications for the outcomes and policies derived from it. I hope that more women and girls will choose this profession and that women continue to rise and make their voices heard within the various fields of Economics.
There are some notable initiatives in this regard, and I will highlight here the Women in Economics Initiative. I have benefited from the WiE mentorship program, currently, a member who continues to follow various events and publications, and networking opportunities the initiative provides. My favorite product is their WiE index, which is the only comprehensive dataset of the status of Women in Economics I have seen yet. You should definitely check it out. It served as a key ingredient fr my presentation at this event.

The WiE Initiative currently has a call for a country ambassadors program. If you, like me are passionate about Economics and would like to be involved from wherever you are in the world, working hand in hand with WiE, I encourage you to apply. The closing date is February 18th, 2022. There are also other opportunities to get involved, including becoming a volunteer in one of the various departments of the initiative.
With that, let me wish you a merry and blessed Christmas, and should this be the last blog for 2021, a prosperous new year ahead! Thank you for keeping with the site and the blog which I hope has been helpful/insightful/inspiring/interesting to you.
Let’s do more and play our part in positively impacting our worlds! God bless!