Showing 21 Result(s)

A good start to the year 2021

I know when 2020 ended, most people were looking forward to a new start, a new beginning, forget the hardships of the exceptional year 2020 was. We have arrived in 2021 and it doesn’t seem to be much better for some people, even worse for others. For example, in my country Malawi, and many other …

My Worst Interview!

I have usually been great at interviews. If you have read my blog for a while or read information on this site in detail, you would know by now I had my very first official job interview when I was 16 years old for a commercial bank! Thinking about it now sounds crazy. But I …

When I first met a Nobel Laureate in Economics

Exactly a year ago today, I was in Morocco to present my paper for the 2019 Africa Meeting of the Econometric Society. We were graced with a keynote address by the 2011 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Christopher A. Sims (who won it together with Thomas J. Sargent). After he delivered his keynote, he …

Questions/Requests on Mentorship

Having a mentor or mentors is an important aspect in your career, heck, your life. We all need guidance, advice, and the wise book says in a multitude of counselors there is victory. So it is good to seek out a mentor, someone who may know more than you, who will tell you difficult truths …

Questions on my Career Journey (4) – Rec Letters

Okay, if the 2020 YPP process is anything like the one in the previous year, then you have passed the initial screening and now you are in the phase where you are being asked for recommendation (rec) letters, yay! You may also want rec letters for something else, I would still think these tips apply. …

Questions on my Career Journey (2) – The Essay(s)

Following my first post in this series and the response and questions (thank you!), I thought i delve deeper into the specifics. First, the essay. This is usually the part where many do not know about until the applications are announced. Still it is usually in the same spirit and you can prepare. I noticed …

Questions on my Career Journey

In the few days that this website has been up, I have received a lot of messages through here and my LinkedIn from several people who are applying for the Word Bank Group YPP and others who want to hear about graduate school scholarships want to hear about how I was successful in getting into …